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    It's Not Who You Love. It's That You Love

    Go ahead, try to watch this video and be mad. I dare ya. Go Love = Best. Valentine's. Day. Video. Of. The. Year.

    It's not WHO you love. It's THAT you love. #preach #golove

    Let me just first let it be known that I'm not typically 'one of those' people that annoyingly shares videos of cute puppies rolling around in the grass, celebrities acting a [drunken] fool or the general public being idiots with their newly tricked-out hoverboards, nor do I partake in chain-emails—is that still a thing? 1999 called, they want their chain mail back. However, perhaps [just maybe] I may be feeling ultra-mushy because V-Day is just around the corner. With that mumbo jumbo out of the way, let's get down to it.

    My industry wife sent me a Vimeo link this morning, going on about how her friend's boyfriend produced it in like 2-3 days…blah, blah blah. Need a flow chart yet? Still following? Good. While normally I would simply [and not accidentally] delete the email or overlook the text, I was in a chipper mood so I clicked the link…hoping I hadn't locked myself into watching some 10 minute long video I couldn't care less about. Quite the contrary, actually.

    Let me set the scene: I'm sitting at my desk, Venti Cinnamon Dolce Latte in-hand [whole milk, of course], eyes half open with a tinge of a lingering headache, two over-sized monitors staring me in the face. *insert clickage of said link*

    What happened next caught me off-guard, to say the least. Eyes now fully open and focused on all the awesomeness I was seeing, I felt internally and overwhelmingly compelled to share it with everyone I know—fashion & luxury industry friends, PR gods/goddesses, friends near & far…and now BuzzFeed—telling them I witnessed one of the most amazingly touching videos I've seen in a long time, and trust me, I spend a good portion of my day online…working, of course. Day in and day out, we're inundated by negative news, bombings, hate, bigotry, sadness and delusions of grandeur, that I felt it necessary to stand atop my soapbox and share the message of this video. This cray cray world needs more acts of kindness, outreaches of love and compassion…keeping in mind the evident, resonating message of this video, "It's not WHO you love. It's THAT you love."

    After getting in touch with the producer of this video—of course I needed more deets—I came to find out that the entirety of this video took place in 2 days in the West 4th Street subway in downtown Manhattan and on the G train in Brooklyn. What better of a place to deliver a message such as this than one of the rudest and coldest—not temperature cold—cities in the world? On a side note, I love NYC, fit right in and feel quite at home there. Had to clear my name before I started receiving hate mail.

    Do yourself a favor no matter how you're feeling today, take 2 ½ minutes out of your 'busy' day and watch this video. C'mon, tell me you don't have a warm heart and a toothy smile on your face afterward. Try to be mad when you watch this, I dare ya.

    Nick Smatt, keep up the good work, sir! #spreadthelove

    With that, I step down from my soapbox. Have a Happy Valentine's Day—whether you're coupled [the adjective 'happily' is subjective] or single and ready to mingle—everyone!

    Here's the link, y'all: Go Love

    P.S. Still trying to figure out to make the link an actual click-able link. Whoops! If the link doesn't work for some strange reason, you'll have to do it the ole fashioned way...copy/paste: