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BuzzFeed Community is a hub for BuzzFeeders to create awesome quizzes and posts that people love. Make your own, or browse what other people are making.

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Keeling You Cutely

Hamster. Boggle eyes. Deadly combination and a surefire way to induce diabetic comas. *courtesy of daily squee

wedschilde 12 years ago

Cereal Marshmallows

If you're like me... you probably feel that there's never enough marshmallows in your cereal and hot cocoa. This company solves that problem. will sell you these crunchy sugar nuggets in bulk packages! (via reddit)

Dino Ignacio 13 years ago

Skip a Day of Starbucks. Bring Johanna Home.

Johanna was adopted by CJ and her family years ago. However, the Chinese orphanage and government are asking for an adoption fee of 8K. If you can, skip a cup of Starbucks and donate. Bring Johanna home. She's got a family waiting for her.

wedschilde 13 years ago

A Song of One Sided Love and Severe Codependency

A song about a one-sided love affair. This isn't me or my song. It's a song written and performed by a young woman named Ryan who is currently living in Las Vegas with her sometimes dead love, Darwin.

wedschilde 14 years ago