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13 Signs That You Basically Live For The Internet

Because more internet is always better. That’s why Vodafone has built a network for the web. And it’s lightning fast. So you can do all your favourite internet stuff to your heart’s content.

1. If there's a new online platform announced, you immediately sign up to be part of the beta testing phase.

2. You've taken selfies in basically everything you own...

3. ...and you've spent tons of time perfecting the pics.

4. You have more Facebook friends than friends IRL.

5. If there's a meme, you've tried it.

@Sellotapeselfe if only for the ear rings #sellotapeselfie

6. "Do it for the Vine!" is part of your daily life.

7. You make all your best jokes online.

8. There's no filter between your brain and a status update.

9. You've stayed up late to hang out with internet friends in different time zones.

10. If you didn't check in to a place on Facebook, it didn't happen.

11. You have very strong feelings about Wi-Fi.

12. Notes, likes, and retweets are your oxygen.

13. And you don’t believe that TMI is ever relevant!