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The Definitive Guide To Totally Owning O-Week

If you're going to O-Week, make sure you O-Week right. Here are a few helpful tips on how to make the most of this weeklong jamboree, brought to you by Vodafone.

1. Don't skip O-Week.

2. Bring a bag to put all that good free stuff in.

3. Wear clothes that will take you from day to night. But make sure they're comfortable.

4. Don't be afraid to introduce yourself.

5. Join every Facebook group and follow every Instagram page you can.

6. Eat only for free, and never for money.

7. Make sure you join at least one club.

8. But don't be afraid to say no (thanks).

9. Talk to your elders.

10. Go to as many parties and events as physically possible.

11. But don't drink like a maniac and embarrass yourself.

12. And get ready for a wild ride.

Take advantage of your student status with Vodafone!