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14 Charts That Sum Up Your Relationship With Your Phone

Phone > oxygen. So it's only fair you should be able to customise your own prepaid plan. And now you can with Vodafone MyMix.

1. When you need to multitask:

2. When your phone battery proves it has the worst possible timing:

3. When your text game is not strong:

4. When the lighting is so good, and you have to hold yourself back:

5. When your messages send your heart rate through the roof:

6. When you feel like you can't trust anyone:

7. When you play it cool:

8. When your mum complains you never answer your phone:

9. When you're in a mood:

10. When you accidentally leave your phone at home:

11. When Mum calls to leave a voicemail just to tell you she tried to call you:

12. When you can't work out why you've run out of storage:

13. When you live in constant fear:

14. And when people overstep the boundaries:

All images by Louise Khong / BuzzFeed.

Your phone is pretty personal, so your plan should be too. With the new Vodafone MyMix Prepaid, you can pick and choose what to include, so you pay for what you want.