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    "Doctor Who" Inspired Photo Shoot Featuring A Female Doctor

    A conceptual photo shoot resulted in a woman who could totally be the first female Doctor Who.

    The Female Doctor Who

    When Katie was asked, "Who or what do you want to be?" she said,

    "All I've ever wanted to be was Doctor Who"

    So, Vivify Photography made it happen.

    The photo session was inspired by the question, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" For kids, they truly believe they can be anything, but as adults we succumb to the so-called "real world" and forget about our dreams.

    So, when Katie said she wanted to be Doctor Who, the photo shoot was planned so that it wasn't a cosplay.

    She didn't want to be any former Doctors. Katie wanted to be the next Doctor Who.

    And we think she totally fits the part!

    What do you think, Whovians?

    Vivify Photography

    Keep up with other Vivify concept sessions here!