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18 Times Hair Took It To The Next Level

Hair really is an underused art form, as seen in these epic masterpieces. Check out the hair that took it to the next level brought to you by our sponsor vitaminwater and make your boring hair, brilliant. Tweet @vitaminwater what’s boring and they’ll #MakeBoringBrilliant.”

1. The Deamau5

2. The Hipster Squiggle Stache

3. The Batman

4. The Hair Bow

5. The Gollum

6. The Chicago Bulls Tribute

7. The Love

8. The Gravity-Defier

9. The Scar Face

10. The Zombie

11. The Chest Stache

12. The Grandpa

13. The Steve Jobs

14. The Beetlejuice

15. The Statute Of Liberty

16. The Owl

17. The Bridge Beard

18. The B.I.G. Confusion

The Artist

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vitaminwater is out to make everything that's boring brilliant. watch all the brilliance that can come from one man's beard.