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    Freedom On This Indepedence Day

    Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness

    What a week America we have had leading up to our Nations celebration of "Independence"! No matter what any of us may feel about the recent events of the land, the point will be to keep sight of why we love our country. Words such as, Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, followed up by, Justice for All! None of these "Rights" are anything new, or to be taken for granted. Everyone of U.S. has been taught these words from an early age. Why are these beliefs lost on so many people in our country? We know that these rights were expressly written to build our great country, what's the deal? The only thing to "Fear is fear It Self"! Every one of our Rights has been cemented upon these foundations. Have we forgotten that these Rights are what America is all about? Or maybe we need to remember the buzz quote of these days, "All lives matter". This statement maybe should be added to the foundation words from above.

    "Life"; We have come so very far with regards to our life expectancy, The words from above were chiseled into the core of what we stand for: United? So with this in mind, why is there any opposition (instead of help and support) for the thought of helping many of our citizens be healthy and live longer! Healthcare and affordability plays a vital role in our very existence, therefore how is even possible some of U.S. are opposed to helping each other? What would have happened if we had chosen this path in WWII? (well I guess Vietnam) When (if ever) will we as a race, get to the understanding that we are all the same, Humans, are we not? Obama care is just that, "care". What is wrong with our leaders actually trying do something? If we are giving up on each other then what kind of "Life" did our forefathers have in mind when they (together) wrote the Constitution of the United States? If we don't care anymore as a nation, United, then why don't we just elect someone who doesn't give a s**t to even try? Or have we already done this, and we call it Congress..

    "Liberty"; Websters defines this as, the quality or state of being free; the power to do as one pleases; freedom from physical restraint and arbitrary or despotic control; the "positive" enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges. As I agree with the premise of this definition, I believe the word "positive", could be and should be used here more often. This word "positive" defiantly equates to the "rights" of our Liberty. As to economic rights and privileges, we are a capitalistic "society", do not ever confuse the word society with social, or the word social within socialism! (Oh my God)! Do we not see that if we didn't help each other there would be no Liberties in this United States? When exactly did we become the "me" generation and at what point will this bite U.S. in the *ss? While the economic privileges of our society are defined here under Liberty with Rights, it will always be right to honor the huge amount of the economically under privileged who have died to ensure these liberties. Once again here, the word "positive" needs to be used with this next liberty. Why are we still flying a flag in a capitol city that glorifies a war where we fought and killed each over the right to make another Human a slave? This is not a positive!

    "Pursuit of Happiness"; Let's throw the Justice in right here! Happiness and the pursuit of such, should not be defined without Liberty. Now again, back to the word positive. What is really more positive than Love? The right to Love whomever in this life is exactly what most of us hope and live for. Finding a Human to care about, care for, and Love is a honor and a right of freedom, and now the Law of the Land! To me any opposing opinions about this decision completely goes against the very idea behind the words we live by here in America. If it is a religious thing and this is your argument, well then why have those that you feel are unholy, not been burned up by God like a wooden match? If all of these Human's are going to burn in Hell for their sin, then why in hell does this Liberty and Freedom bother you? It is not for you to judge. Therefore how about we all just be Happy that in this case of Liberty and Freedom, Justice has been served, to All.

    Happy 4th of July! Remember why we celebrate it

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