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15 Things That Always Happen This Time Of The Year

Has Jingle Bells driven you insane yet? Good. Now it's official. Much Love - Virgin Mobile

1. Your local hippie gets a gig as a mall Santa

2. Your mom gathers up the family for a holiday photo

3. You get a card from that guy you used to rent movies from

4. Your Uncle Rick gets real Uncle Rick-y

5. Your mailbox gets out of hand

6. Your neighborhood gets real competitive

7. You start manipulating your children's behavior with lies... again

8. Your local goths come out to celebrate the season

9. You can't find the cat

10. Your Aunt Gladys starts wrapping items around the house

11. Your office party turns into a real rager

12. Your waisteline has a growth spurt

13. You make heartfelt attempts at inclusiveness

14. You start to jones for snow

15. Your whole 'you' changes

#BreakFree - Virgin Mobile