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18 Life Moments We Can't Have Back

You only YOLO once. Much Love - Virgin Mobile

1. When you realized your parents were not to be trusted

2. When you met your best friend

3. When you ventured to the dark side

4. When you caught your first fish

5. That time you found your older brother's porno

6. When you took the family car for the first time...

7. ...and you got distracted

8. The first time you heard your favorite band

9. Your first time

10. First foray into sexting

11. Freshmen year

12. That time you bro'd out and got into a fight

13. When you tried online dating,

14. found your soulmate,

15. broke up with them,

16. and spent the next 3 months getting over it

17. When you realized you suck at your job

18. When you realized you're not a kid anymore

#BreakFree - Virgin Mobile