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Celebs Who Should Really Stop Tweeting

Follow these fame jockeys at your own peril. The twitterverse doesn't get much worse than this.

u ever pump air into your car tire and think to yourself how much longer until this explodes in my face?

Thanks for the update. Seacrest out!

Everything happens for no reason. It is extremely important to understand this.

Wow Paparazzi. again. I would enjoy a day in LA without any! But then it wouldn't be LA right!!

Compelling insights that are useful to millions of followers.


Recess! #tbt #throwbackthursday

I don't know what to say on Twitter no mo

Straight from the plane to the studio.. And it's raining #wtfugh L.A.☀?? 😂

Keen insights from the brain trust over at Mariah Inc.

two BFL's just realized it was me! great to be appreciated and respected!! now go make a child smile this weekend! c

They can't all be tiger blood and winning.

#UnforgettableChristina is for women who want to be irresistible, feel sexy & glamorous

Doesn't sound like anyone I know...

Just left Bloomingdales men's department downtown and #MrSelfridge would not approve...

At least he admits it.


Ummmm how cute is my husband?!?!?!?! Ugh I love him so much!!!

Hanging on every word.