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    The Fortunes Of War

    How No-Bid Contracts and Insider Deals Helped Craig Parisot's Company Make It Big.

    In the world of defense contracting​, big dollar contracts are nothing new. And Virginia House of Delegates Candidate Craig Parisot's company seems to have made its fortune on more than one. Now the US Army is investigating these contracts.

    Records show that Parisot served as Executive Vice President and COO for a company that made millions on failed, no-bid DOD contracts that some have charged put our soldier's lives at risk.

    ​Word is out that the Army is investigating these failed contracts, while others are asking serious questions about the so called insider deals that put them on the fast track. The Army is raising questions whether the money used for these contracts improperly diverted funds away from accounts earmarked to fight the war in Afghanistan.

    ​While revolving doors are nothing new in Washington​, in this case ​it appears that Parisot's company teamed up with officials who had recently retired from the very organizations under DOD that had dealt with these issues. Questions are looming about these insider deals and are raising serious issues for Parisot, a would-be Virginia politician.

    Parisot announced his candidacy for the VA house of Delegates last November. But the question is: If he was willing to profit from failed contracts that put soldier's lives at risk, what can voters expect from him if he goes to Richmond?


    Authorized by Virginia House Democratic Caucus