20 Reasons Why Alan Chuor Is Awesome

    Life is always more interesting with this one around...

    1. He is an incredible dancer

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    2. Best.Moves.Ever.

    3. He is also a seasoned traveler

    4. Which has made him very adaptable

    5. He is not a picky eater

    6. He makes the best selfie buddy

    7. Because he is always photogenic

    8. For another thing, he is mighty strong

    9. Even Spiderman is no match for him

    10. But he can make a surprisingly soft pillow

    11. Even animals like him

    12. He can drop a drunk rhyme like no other

    13. Because he gangsta

    14. But he also cleans up nicely

    15. He is always there for his friends

    16. And he knows how to live life to the fullest

    17. In summary, he is a star

    18. And a big goof ball

    19. Who always brings joy to those around

    20. Most of all, he is a wonderful boyfriend and I am lucky to have him