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    23 "SpongeBob SquarePants" GIFs That Perfectly Sum Up Life

    SpongeBob knows what's up.

    1. When you're on a diet but crave chocolate.

    2. When your contouring / makeup is on point.

    3. When you try to participate in class.

    4. When your brain just can't think anymore so you're ready to explore other options.

    5. What you would say if you were honest.

    6. When your paycheck is late.

    7. When the job interviewer asks you why you need this job.

    8. When your friend texted you that they're "coming in five minutes" but it's been 100 years now.

    9. When your crush calls you and asks you if you wanna "Netflix & chill".

    10. When the Wi-Fi is too slow.

    11. When it's December the 1st.

    12. When your parents pull up but you didn't do your chores.

    13. When you arrive at work.

    14. When your lips are dry AF but you don't have chapstick.

    15. When your crush tells you they're not interested but you just can't let go.

    16. When you're finally home alone.

    17. When you try to flirt.

    18. When you hate Valentine's Day.

    19. When your cat prefers to stay outside.

    20. When you smell food.

    21. This.

    22. When you just got waxed.

    23. When you literally can't even.

    24. And life in general.

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