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    15 Times The Lyanna Mormont Resting Bitchface GIF Works Too Damn Well

    *bitchface intensifies*

    1. When you're walking down the street and a random guy tells you that you should smile.

    2. When you follow someone back only to get a dick pic in your DMs.

    3. When someone says you wear too much makeup.

    4. When people critsize your outfits.

    5. When people say you shouldn't spend so much money on makeup.

    6. When someone asks why you don't have kids yet.

    7. And when people say you're selfish because you don't want to have kids.

    8. When your ex sends you a text saying they miss you.

    9. When you sent a text to your S.O. and they didn't reply, but they posted 10 selfies on Instagram and have a 500 seconds Snapchat story.

    10. When you see bae Snapchatting someone else.

    11. When you open up to someone about your sexuality and they say it's just a phase.

    12. When people say: "I prefer to say I'm an humanist, not a feminist."

    13. When you catch someone subtweeting you.

    14. When people say: "you should eat less" or "you should eat more."

    15. And when someone says that Game Of Thrones sucks.

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