13 Things No Thin Person Will Ever Experience

    The salesperson who tries to get you to buy clothes that don't fit, saying that you'll lose the weight.

    1. The salesperson who tries to get you to buy clothes that don't fit, saying that you'll lose the weight.

    2. Or arguing that the fabric in jeans is stretchy.

    3. When a doctor or trainer tiptoes around the question of how much you weigh.

    4. Failing to understand why being thin is the standard in the US even though the majority of the population is overweight.

    5. Being told to stand in the back or suck it in when you're getting your picture taken.

    6. You feel like dying every time you have to buy clothes for a formal event such as a wedding or graduation.

    7. You feel like people are staring at you every time you go and eat fast food.

    8. They automatically think you're the "funny" person of the group just because you're fat.

    9. Hooking up with someone who says they like being with you because they like "having a little extra meat to hold onto."

    10. Receiving miracle recipes that will help you "slim down" from everyone you know.

    11. People saying that they don't think you're fat, as if that was some kind of high praise.

    12. When someone asks why your clothes are so tight, as if you didn't have the right to wear them.

    13. People automatically thinking that you're terrible at sports because you're fat.

    This post was translated from Portuguese.