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If You Were Born Between '94 And '00, What Do You Consider To Be Zillennial Things?

They say anyone born in 1996 or later is part of Gen Z. Except you definitely remember all those ~millennial things~ too.

Are you a proud '90s baby who loves (hates) watching the generation wars between Millennials and Gen Z?

Then you stop and realize, you're actually supposed to be included in one of these two wonderful generations.

According to the Pew Research Center, anyone born between 1981 and 1996 is a Millennial, and anyone born from 1997 onward is part of Gen Z. So pick your poison, I guess.

Although, different sources will draw the line anywhere between 1994 and 1996.

But, if you were actually born around that cusp, you know that it's not so cut and dry.

People born between 1995 and 2000 are neither Gen Z nor millennial. We know only pain

Twitter: @hipster_shit_

In fact, Zillennials could prob warrant a generation of their own.

Twitter: @kevdig_

Throwback to learning cursive and typing in elementary school.

I mean, is this what limbo feels like?

@Katlysss @hipster_shit_ Too young to talk about adulting and avocado toast, too old to make a tiktok account.

Twitter: @SmolderingNuts

Now, the real question is — if you were born between 1994 and 2000 — how would you define the Zillennial generation and why?

Also, tell us what year you were born in.

Is it remembering Windows 98 but mostly using Windows XP?

Bill Gates speaking on stage at the launch of Windows XP.

Just generally growing up alongside the booming technology and digital evolution?

Shigeru Miyamoto, founder of Nintendo Mario, holding a Gamecube console and controller

Is there a quintessential range of movies and shows (like Lizzie McGuire and Hannah Montana) that gave ~the best of both worlds~ to Zillennials?

If you're a self-identified Zillennial, tell us what year you were born in and what it means to be a Zillennial! Let us know in the comments below, and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!

Who knows? Maybe you can finally carve out the in-between generation Zillennials deserve.