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    30 Things From Amazon Canada That'll Help You Finally Tackle Your Never-Ending To-Do List

    The #1 thing on my to-do list? Complete my to-do list.

    1. A hanging file organizer because it's about time you got your documents in order. You can dedicate each folder colour to a different type of file (work, school, home — you name it), which means you won't have to rummage through boxes of papers the next time you're hunting for a lost receipt.

    a set of hanging file folders, each in a different colour

    2. A pack of reusable fridge liners if you're tired of cleaning gross, sticky spills. The cushiony foam will stop things from sliding around while absorbing any extra moisture (this'll also keep your produce fresh for longer!).

    3. A roll of heavy-duty Gorilla tape that's strong enough to fix any household booboo. Unlike duct tape, you can tear it by hand and since it's completely weather-proof, it's great for doing fixes both indoors and outdoors.

    someone applying the clear gorilla tape to their taillights

    4. A set of interlocking organizers because it's high time you decluttered your drawers. You'll get a variety of sizes that'll fit all your stuff, including awkwardly-shaped items, like makeup brushes, scissors, and tech gadgets.

    a set of colourful plastic drawer organizers filled with makeup, office supplies, and kitchen utensils

    5. A bottle of Goo Gone that absolutely lives up to the hype. Waxy residue? Gone. Sticky mess? Gone. It'll blast through everything from glue to gum in less time than you thought possible.

    6. A set of washi tape label stickers so you can colour code your lists, journals, and agendas. Reviewers say they have great sticking power, which means they won't peel off before you get a chance to tick off your tasks.

    a stack of washi tape circular labels

    7. A stove cleaning kit that'll make your cooktop look brand spankin' new in moments. Apply the cream to your stove, give it a few minutes to work its magic, then scrub it off with the built-in sponge tool — presto clean-o!

    8. A set of ~aesthetic~ household labels so you can finally get your storage cupboards in order. They're both water- and oil-resistant, which means they'll stay put through all your daily shenanigans.

    three glass bottles with minimalist labels saying bleach, all purpose cleaner, and soap

    9. A waterproof repotting mat so you can quickly and neatly re-home your plant babies. The raised edges will keep soil and water from spilling all over your living room — perfect for anyone with limited (or no) outdoor space.

    a large potting mat on a backyard deck

    10. A pair of pan scrapers that'll save you from trying to scrub melted food off with a butter knife (or worse, your nail). Reviewers say the four-cornered design is pure genius, helping them get into all the nooks and crannies of their cookware.

    someone using the pan scraper to clean a cast iron pot

    11. A set of reusable sticky notes you can stick to just about any surface (and they'll actually stay put, too). It comes with a smudge-resistant marker so you won't accidentally erase your notes.

    12. A bottle of Leather Honey cleaner that'll restore your fave goods and furniture to like-new condition. Don't be fooled by the petite bottle — it's ultra concentrated (one bottle can make up to 32 ounces of cleaner!) and it works on faux leather, vinyl, plastic, and rubber.

    a person holding a bottle of the leather honey against a pair of clean leather dress shoes

    13. A set of fashion tape strips that'll nip annoying wardrobe issues right in the bud. They're so gentle on skin, you can use them basically on every inch of your body — reviewers use them to stop their masks from fogging up their glasses and to fix ripped seams when they're in a pickle.

    14. An extra-long Swiffer duster that'll help you reach all the dust hiding on top of your cabinets and light fixtures. The handle extends up to six feet so you won't have to perch precariously on top of your furniture.

    Victoria using the extendable swiffer to clean a light fixture

    15. An extra-strong bottle brush that'll help you scrub all those tough-to-reach corners. Unlike other brushes with wire tips, this one's covered in spongy foam that won't scratch up your drinkware.

    a person using the brush to clean a reusable bottle

    16. A silicone splash guard if you're tired of getting soaked during dish duty. It's got a powerful suction base so it won't slide around while you're sudsing up.

    a person washing dishing behind the silicone splash guard

    17. A shoe-cleaning kit because your sneakers deserve better. The ultra-concentrated wash is a lean, green, cleaning machine, able to lift away all kinds of grime without ever damaging your footwear.

    someone grabbing a bottle of the shoe cleaning liquid

    18. A pack of drain-deodorizing sticks that'll stop stink in its tracks and keep your pipes from getting clogged up. They're safe for all plumbing systems and super simple to use — popping one in the drain once a month will keep things fresh and clean for weeks.

    Someone inserting one of the deodorizing sticks into a sink drain

    19. Or a clog-dissolving drain cleaner that'll blast through all kinds of blockages — even grease and hair. Reviewers say it's more cost-effective than calling a plumber (with even better results).

    A bottle of the drain cleaner perched on the edge of a tub

    20. A genius magnetic notepad if you're always forgetting something at the grocery store. Just mark off what you're out of and thank me later when you don't end up buying another gigantic bag of flour (again).

    a grocery list notepad next to fresh food

    21. A wrinkle-releasing mist that'll de-crease all your linens so you won't ever have to whip out your ironing kit. Since it's free of dyes and chemical additives (the formula's plant-based), you can spritz this liquid magic on everything from trousers to curtains without worry.

    22. Or a portable garment steamer that'll bust wrinkles without leaving your clothing sopping wet in the process. You can use it horizontally or vertically so it's perfect for doing linens and curtains, too.

    23. A pack of dry cleaning sheets if you're tired of lugging your linens to the dry cleaner every few months. They can clean all kinds fabrics, including those "special care" items you've been hiding at the back of your closet.

    A person holding up the dry cleaning sheets with one of the stain removing wipes

    24. A menstrual cup sterilizer that'll treat your accessory to a nice lil' steam (oh, and kill up to 99.99% of germs, OFC). Your cup will be ready in under 10 minutes, and you'll never have to boil those bad boys in your kitchen ever again.

    the steamer on a countertop

    25. A fabric shaver if you're straight-up tired of pill-y fabrics. Reviewers love that it recharges in a flash (under 20 minutes, to be exact!) so you won't have to pop out for batteries the next time your fave sweater needs a de-fuzzing.

    someone using the shaver on a sweater

    26. A two-tier vertical laundry hamper so you can pre-sort your laundry and save yourself time on washing day. Even though both baskets are removable, you could totally roll the whole thing over to your machine instead (it's on wheels!).

    someone lifting one of the two hampers off the vertical rack

    27. A pair of silicone grooming gloves that'll help you remove fur and dander while tricking your pet into thinking they're getting ~petz~. The soft silicone nodes won't tug or snag (and work actual wonders on hair-covered furniture, too).

    A grooming glove covered in dog fur with a dog in the background

    28. A petite dry erase board that'll tuck neatly onto your over-crowded desk. It's got a hidden slot for all your markers, plus a built-in nook so you can prop up your phone during video chats.

    someone drawing on the desktop whiteboard

    29. A Mason jar sewing kit so you won't have to hunt for your needles the next time a button pops off. It's got everything you'll need to make all tiny repairs, including a seam ripper, a needle threader, and a tape ruler.

    a tiny sewing kit stashed inside a mason jar

    30. And finally, a bottle of bleach alternative that'll lift away stains without ruining your fave sweater. And it's designed to be kind to all fabrics, which means you can use it to coax stubborn spots out of your furniture, too.

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