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    These Products Erased Every Zit I Had (And I’m Not Even Kidding)

    Let's banish these breakouts to another dimension.

    Hi, hello! My name's Victoria and welcome to this edition of "why am I breaking out?"

    Victoria making a silly face into the camera and showing off her breakouts

    Is it because of my mask? Is it thanks to the ravages of Aunt Flo? Perhaps it's something I ate? TBH, it doesn't really matter. All I know is, I WANT THESE ZITS GONE ASAP.

    So come, join on me this breakout-busting journey. There will be patches! There will be masks! But best of all, there will be peace at last from pesky, no-good, incredibly annoying pimples.

    So let's get started!

    First, let's focus on prevention.

    Regular exfoliation is key, and this creamy scrub will slough away pimple-causing buildup like a boss, leaving your skin feeling silky-smooth and clean as a whistle. It uses rice grains and cherry powder (plus, some skin-loving acids) to help wash away whatever crap is living in your pores.

    Another effective option is introducing a glow-inducing lactic acid toner into your regime. It'll help dissolve dead skin cells and help fade discolouration, so your best skin can shine through.

    Victoria holding up a bottle of the toner against a cityscape; the liquid inside looks like water

    A non-irritating face wash is a great idea, too, and this all-natural antioxidant cleanser is just the ticket. This baby's completely pH balanced, meaning it won't aggravate sensitive or reactive skin.

    The cleanser on a cork platter, surrounded by plants

    If you're looking for a product to help you maintain that smooth, perfect complexion, this Manuka honey-infused sheet mask is just the ticket. Each sheet contains activated coconut charcoal that'll act like a magnet for any breakout-causing debris, with shea butter and marine collagen stepping in to pack some conditioning in there, too.

    A flatlay of the sheet mask on a textured quilt next to a candle

    Next up: Moisturizer. If you're prone to breakouts, you'll be happy to learn that this lightweight gel moisturizer will hydrate your skin, without leaving it looking greasy, oily, or shiny. It's fragrance free, too, so it's perfect for anyone with reactive skin.

    A close up of an open jar of the moisturizer, showing off its gel texture

    Looking for a lil' extra something-something? This oat-infused serum will help quell redness and irritation and dole out some pretty major moisture to parched skin — all without clogging up your pores!

    A flatlay of a vial of the facial oil on a textured towel

    Or, if you really wanna treat your epidermis to some TLC, press a couple drops of this hydration serum onto your face after cleansing. It feels light as air (and smells like fresh strawberries and rose petals), so your skin won't feel glopped up with product.

    A flatlay of the serum next to vibrantly coloured fabrics and glittering jewellery

    Top all that off with a facial spray, like this 4-in-1 mist that'll hydrate, tone, set your makeup, AND give your skin a refresh after a long day. I adore the herbaceous scent, and TBH, it leaves my skin looking its very best (even if I decide to go makeup free that day).

    To maximize the effects of all those magical products you just layered on, use a facial roller to encourage product absorption and help relax any facial muscles exhausted from squinting at a screen every day.

    A flatlay of the amethyst facial roller on a towel on the edge of a tub

    So what happens if you get a breakout, anyway? Well, I've got some solutions for that, too!

    Try these large hydrocolloid pore strips to gently coax dirt and impurities out of your pores and help shrink their appearance. Thanks to the addition of vitamin A, they also help ward off new breakouts!

    A person applying one of the pore strips to their nose

    Slather on an all-natural clarifying mask to exfoliate away any buildup on your skin, while also calming down angry breakouts. The cooling gel is infused with fruit enzymes and white willow bark that'll soothe irritation — perfect for those painful, irritated blemishes.

    A flatlay of the face mask surrounded by a facial brush and a natural sponge

    If you're worried about irritation, try a light dusting of Mario Badescu silver powder — it's basically a plunger for clogged pores! It may look like icing sugar, but it's actually a powerful combo of kaolin clay, zinc oxide, and calcium carbonate that'll help to shrink the appearance of your pores, suck out any build-up, AND mattify your complexion.

    If I feel a teeny-tiny pimple trying to encroach on my territory, I immediately slap on one of these practically invisible acne patches. They'll do all the stuff you expect, with the added bonus of blending seamlessly into your skin (I sometimes forget I'm even wearing one).

    Or, if you've got a particularly pesky one hiding under your skin, these microdart patches will deliver zit-fighting power right to the source of the problem. Unlike other patches, you can pop one of these on the second you suspect you've got a big ol' carbuncle coming on (and not just when they appear through your skin).

    Not a fan of patches? I got you! Instead, try this acne-fighting facial oil to calm, soothe, hydrate, and help prevent scarring. The star of the show is the black cumin seed oil — it's naturally anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, so it'll chill out even the feistiest zit.

    A bottle of the facial oil on a bathroom vanity

    Looking to supercharge your zit-fighting powers? This unscented facial spray will rescue your skin from redness, breakouts, and irritation in just a few spritzes. Reviewers say it's the best product they've tried for persistent acne and say that it has sped up their skin's healing process, too.

    I know what you're thinking. What about body breakouts, Vic? Acne can pop up ANYWHERE! And to that I say...

    Get yourself a scalp-cleansing oil that'll dissolve zit-causing skin cells and product buildup and leave you with a happy, healthy scalp. It'll never strip moisture from your strands and actually makes it easier to untangle post-shampoo knots, too.

    Someone holding up a bottle of the product while smiling into the camera

    Or, if you're looking for a one-and-done product, try this whipped micro-exfoliating shampoo that'll help get your scalp AND hair cleaner than you thought possible. Breakouts? Gone. Flaky skin? Eliminated. Itchiness? A thing of the past. I use this about once a week to scrub away product build-up, but it's gentle enough to use as often as you like.

    A few swipes of this palm-sized body brush will help bust up dry skin and keep your pores free and clear of acne-causing elements. It has natural bristles that are just firm enough to feel like they're working, without leaving your body feeling scratched and itchy.

    A flatlay of the body rush with rubber nodes on a patterned fabric

    Oh, and definitely consider treating your booty to some detox action with a caffeinated bum mask (because faces shouldn't have all the fun). This ~cheeky~ little product has aloe vera, goji berry, and orange peel extract and is designed to smooth out imperfections — not that you have any, you gorgeous beauty, you!

    Victoria holding the bum mask against her butt

    Finish off with a vitamin C-infused body cream that'll nourish your skin, while helping boost its radiance factor and keeping it clear and smooth. It absorbs lightning-fast, so you won't have to shoehorn your way into your favourite pants.

    A flatlay of an open tub of the body lotion showing off it's texture

    Ok, so the breakouts have happened, and now your skin needs to heal. What do you do?

    Apply a gentle daily face cream that's packed with light diffusers and soybean extract to help tackle uneven texture, blotchiness, discolouration, and dullness. A few swipes is all it takes to give skin a luminous boost!

    Treat your skin to a gel leave-on mask that will work its magic while you're getting your beauty rest. It feels light as a feather and only needs to be used once or twice a week to help turn back the clock on damage and stress.

    Victoria holds up a jar of the mask against her face with her eyes closed happily

    Another way to revive your complexion is applying a vitamin C-infused sheet mask to give your skin a juicy lil' boost and help fade dark spots and discolouration. It's also packed with fruit-based antioxidants that'll fight damage caused by pollution and toxins.

    Someone holding up one of the sheet masks against a leafy background

    If you're looking for something more *intense*, this Caudalie radiance serum is definitely the way to go. Not only is it all natural, it'll also smooth out imperfections and help heal acne scars.

    A flatlay of the serum on a terrycloth towel

    And there you have it, kiddos! All my tips and tricks for busting breakouts. Now go forth, and stay gorgeous!

    Victoria looking into the camera and smiling

    Have any tips and tricks of your own? Sound off in the comments below!

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