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    The Rise Of Stick N Pokes

    More and more people each day are seen with stick n pokes. Is it becoming popular because you can tattoo yourself, or because you don't have to pay someone to do it for you?

    Every single day I meet at least one person who has done a stick n' poke. They were either drunk and did it at a party, or was bored with friends and colored on themselves.. permanently. Most people that I know personally have had one done only because they are underage. I mean yeah it's pretty cool to show your shitty drawn circle and say that your drunk friend did it for you at a party that later got shut down by the cops (true story). But I personally would like to know where the needle has been, if the ink is hypoallergenic, etc. And yes if I knew it was nice and safe I wouldn't mind getting something random on a discrete place of my body. Maybe that will be a future thing, who knows!!! What is your opinion on stick n' pokes?