Ariana Grande's 'Dangerous Woman' Gets A Political Makeover

    Serving Potential-First-Lady realness. WIT Productions turns the wives of the GOP into the girl group we never knew we needed.

    It can't be easy being married to *The Donald*. Being married to any of the other cringeworthy Presidential candidates would be pretty rough TBH.

    *PLOT TWIST* These Republican ladies are Feelin' the Bern and the defecting divas aren't shy about supporting about their new boo.

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    Somebody call Shonda, because this is a S-C-A-N-D-A-L.

    Looks like Melania heard what you said about women, Hombre.

    Karen Kasich tears through propaganda faster than her husband can tear through a pastrami sandwich.

    Poor Heidi Cruz on the other hand is just trying to make it through the video in one piece. #PrayersForHeidi

    As for Ted, he's going back to what he does best. #ZodiacTruth

    The light-hearted spin debuts just as the Presidential Primary season draws to a close. Party nominees will stage their conventions this summer and go head-to-head in series of debates in the Fall.