
Viacely S.

Everyday I keep finding new things about myself, and honestly, that's fascinating; but I'd like to think the best of me is still hiding up my sleeve. My hair changes more than Michael Jackson's nose. I think like a guy. I'll say more perverted things than you'd expect. I love making people laugh and I'm constantly laughing, most of the time at something which is not at all funny. I'm very creative in all aspects of that word. I could spend every day drinking milk and reading. I love the amount of personal jokes I have with my best friends. If you've seen us, we were always bouncing around with smiles on our faces or laughing so hard that our drinks threaten to shoot out of our noses at any second. I don't like drinking nor smoking, it's just not how I roll. I can be very naive. I would give anything to be 7 years old again, life was so simple. I'm really nice person, really, I'm just hard to get to know.I judge books by their covers. I tend to not look into people's eyes because it makes me really nervous. I fear crowds. I'm very sarcastic but not obnoxious. I'm really loud. I'm really blunt. I tend to avoid fights and drama. I'm very independent, but i do depend on certain people and things. I'm very opinionated, and I stand by my beliefs. I don't put up to people's shit. I am straight, but I do believe everyone has the right to be happy. I am pretty shy when I first talk to you; It depends on what kind of impression you put on me. If I am quiet around you, take it as a compliment, I put my finger on my nose when I look at cute people. Upon first getting to know me, I can come off as distant, quiet, and a bit cold. The majority of people who meet me consider me to be a bit standoffish, but that's definitely not the case with me.I have a hard time trusting people, and I try to back away from emotional involvement. I have a tough exterior and I'm hard to get to know. As you start getting close to me, and prove to me you're worth it, I'll become one of the best friends you'll ever have. I pick my friends with care of where the heart and mind are at. As long as I've got my iPod I'm sound :) Get to know me, if you want to. I'm actually nicer than what I seem.

Mar 2010
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