
Val H.

I am a dog trainer who counsels dog owners on how to have a well-behaved pet. I have trained hearing dogs, pet-assisted therapy (hospital visits), commercial, stage and movie work. I edited an obedience instructors' quarterly that won three Maxwell awards from the Dog Writers Association of America. I was born and raised in San Francisco. I graduated in a class of twenty from a private girls' school. I got a perfect score - 800 - on my SAT verbal. I spent the summer I was seventeen on the French Riviera. I attended UC Berkeley in 1964, flunked out, went to SFCC and Cal-State Hayward. I dropped out of college to take a job at an all-girl gas station. I lived in Haight Ashbury in 1967, wrote a column for Teen Screen magazine, went to the Fillmore Auditorium and Longshoremen's Hall, the Be-In in Golden Gate Park, and the Monterey Pop Festival. I saw the Beatles live, twice. I have lived in the State of Washington since 1968, first in Spokane, then on an apple orchard, then in Seattle, where I had my first business selling crafts in the Pike Place Market. In 1973, I returned to Spokane to open a shop downtown for Expo '74. I'm an ENFJ (Teacher).

Feb 2010
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