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    25 Practical Festival Beauty Bits I Know You'll Need As A Seasoned Festival Goer

    Trust me, you're not gonna want to forget these!

    1. First things first, dry shampoo is an absolute must if you want your hair looking great despite not washing it all weekend! I've tried TONS and Batiste's original formula always comes out on top. It's the only thing that takes away all traces of greasy roots and gives my hair a volumised boost.

    2. This 'magic' cloth is absolutely genius. All you need is water to remove the most stubborn makeup, so you won't have to carry any extra cleansers or wasteful makeup wipes!

    3. Ethique's lime and ginger-scented solid body wash bar is a travel and eco-friendly alternative to a big bottle of shower gel. It lathers up like a dream, has a non-drying formula, and comes in plastic-free, compostable packaging.

    4. And you can carry it in this handy container that's made from cornstarch and bamboo. The drainage holes will help it to dry quickly so it won't leak in your bag, and it's big enough to hold multiple bars!

    5. Sanitise your hands, phone, and more while on the go with this lil' sanitiser spray. It has a carabiner clip so you can fasten it to your backpack without taking up much-needed packing space.

    6. I don't know if have sweet blood or I just give off really good vibes when at a festival, but mosquitos seem to LOVE me. This Jungle Formula insect repellant spray is the only thing that keeps them at bay, and I love the slim, travel-friendly bottle.

    7. If you're staying somewhere without easy access to a shower, this Dry Shower spray literally does what it says on the tin. The non-sticky foam effectively cleans and sanitises, leaving behind no sticky residue!

    8. And these biodegradable wipes are great for a quick refresh when things get a bit hot and sweaty. One wipe is large enough to clean your entire body!

    9. It's important to protect your skin when out in the sun all day! I swear by this La Roche Posay SPF50+ face cream – it doesn't break me out or leave any white cast, and leaves a hydrated-but-not-greasy finish.

    10. And this clever over-makeup SPF50 mist is great for top-ups throughout the day (or if you've forgotten to apply sun cream before your makeup!).

    11. And it's so easy to skip out certain places! Protect your scalp without making your hair look greasy thanks to this specially-formulated lightweight scalp sun spray.

    12. Not to sound like a hypocrite, but I accidentally sunburned my chest while working outside last week. Luckily I picked up this incredible after sun lotion that not only soothes the burn but also helps intensify the tan that develops after! Can we please look at my results after applying it overnight?

    13. If you're staying over for a fair few days then chances are there will be some shower facilities – read: a chance to wash your hair! This eco-friendly shampoo bar is great for sensitive scalps (and most importantly, won't explode in your bag).

    14. And the same goes for this conditioner bar that's scented with coconut and lime and great for dry hair!

    15. Or if you want to embrace your greasy locks, make the most of them with a slicked-back bun! This boar bristle brush is specially designed to tame any pesky flyaways.

    16. And you can use this extra-strength gel for some extra hold. Reviewers say it doesn't leave any flakes or crunchy texture – simply brush it out and your hair is back to normal!

    17. If you're creating a classic festival makeup look you're obviously gonna need some sparkle! This biodegradable glitter is completely plastic-free, so you won't have to worry about leaving behind any waste.

    18. Secure it in place with this Glitter Fix gel that's even gentle enough to use around the sensitive eye area.

    19. Keep your stunning makeup look in place all day thanks to this super long-lasting setting spray. It has a matte finish, so you won't have to keep topping up on powder either!

    20. And if your oily T-zone simply can't be stopped then might I introduce you to this Revlon volcanic face roller? It absorbs oils in one quick sweep if you're not a fan of piling on the powder. It's also tiny, so is very bumbag-friendly.

    21. Want your fresh mani to last all weekend? I put the famous Seche Vite top coat to the test for two weeks and there was zero chipping!

    22. Avoid dehydrated, dry-looking lips thanks to this moisturising lip balm. It comes in compostable packaging and the Sugarplum one has a subtle flush of colour, so it's less high-maintenance than lipstick.

    23. If you have any nips or scrapes, this Savlon antiseptic cream will help to prevent infection and promote faster healing. I use it on mosquito bites, shaving cuts, blisters, and loads more!

    24. You know this anti-chafing gel is gonna come in handy on hot and sweaty days!

    25. Finally, I'm just gonna leave these flushable toilet seat covers right here.