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    Yuzuru Hanyu The Newest Olympic Heartthrob

    Yuzuru Hanyu, the Japanese Ice Skater, has taken the fandoms of Tumblr by storm! He has managed to win over the hearts of kpop fan girls as well as other seemingly normal people, leading people to now cheer against their OWN TEAM. Here are some reasons why ^^

    1. He is Incredibly Talented

    View this video on YouTube


    Look at that form! He even beat out the Russian skater, Evgeni Plushenko! (in the group competition in Sochi)

    2. He Does Cute Actions Like an Anime Character!

    3. But at the Same Time He Has the Presence of a True Star!

    4. He has a Winnie the Pooh Tissue Box That He Takes Everywhere!

    5. He has Even Taken Over the Anime Fandoms!

    6. The General Consensus of Girls Around the World

    7. Bow Down to Me MERE MORTALS!

    If you are wondering why I said kpop fandoms.... look him up on tumblr and you will see why >.< There is no denying he has taken girls' hearts by storm!