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    TOP 11 Reasons I Belong At BuzzFeed

    A cursory photographic survey of the myriad reasons that I would make a brilliant addition to the Buzzfeed family. In case my outstanding writing and editing skills combined with my wizard-like knowledge of pop culture need visual reinforcement.

    11. Because I've always been a trendsetter -- killing it on the daily with my own sweet, sweet style.

    10. Because I understand the inherent drama at the very mention of a FIRE SALE.

    9. Because I use only the finest pseudonyms when participating in sporting and leisure events.

    8. And because of course I understand the importance of the perfectly PUN-tastic, clever Halloween costume.

    7. Or the importance of a good pop culture Halloween costume in general.

    6. Ok maybe let's just agree that my costume game has always been hella tight.

    5. And my t-shirt game isn't too shabby either.

    4. Because I've been writing hilarious content since before I even realized it.

    3. Because I feel adequately prepared to handle the incredible global fame & celebrity that comes with working at Buzzfeed.

    2. Because my obsession with photos of cats (and puppies and baby everythings) helps me score well into the 98th percentile for Internet aptitude.

    1. Because if you DON'T give me a gig writing about cats and internets and pop culture, I'm just an eccentric, tv-obsessed, cat-lovin' weirdo without purpose, and this train to spinsterhood might just chug away from the station and never come back.