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    The 10 Biggest Blunders In U.S. History

    Although the United States can be classified as one of the greatest countries in the world, there have been many instances and ideas that have been far from great. Throughout United States history, mistakes or blunders have been made that have caused a lack of democratic freedom. With this consistency of unconstitutional polices, many American citizens have been wrongly imprisoned, harmed, or killed

    1. Trail of Tears

    2. Jim Crow Laws: Separate but not Equal

    3. Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s

    4. Refusal of Payment to Bonus Army

    5. Prohibition

    6. Japanese Internment Camps

    7. The Second Red Scare

    8. The Stonewall Riot 1969

    9. Kent State Massacre

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    On May 4, 1970 students from Kent State organized a peaceful protest against the bombing of Cambodia (Lewis, Hensley). Although the University official had attempted to inform the campus that the rally was prohibited a group of about 3, 000 people gathered (Lewis, Hensley). Out of fear, the National Guard was called to control and disperse the protest. Across the common area, where the rally was being held, stood 100 Ohio National Guardsmen carrying M-1 Rifles (Lewis, Hensley). When the guardsmen entered the rally to disperse the crowd, they were met with shouting and rocks (Lewis, Hensley). Then “Canterbury…ordered his men to load and lock their weapons, tear gas canisters were fired into the crowd around the Victory Bell, and the Guard began to march across the Commons to disperse the rally” (Lewis, Hensley). They did not shoot, however, until the group of protestors arrived at the top of the hill (Lewis, Hensley). Then, 28 guardsmen suddenly fired their rifles and pistols, most of them fired into the air or ground but some fired directly into the crowd (Lewis, Hensley). This resulted in 67 shots being fired in a span of 13 seconds, killing 4 students (Lewis, Hensley). In this picture, the National Guard can be seen on the hill in the background and a dead student is lying on the floor. The massacre occurred due to restrictions the American government placed of these protesters. Instead of allowing these students to express the first Amendment right and protest the unnecessary and unwanted bombing in Cambodia, the government shot into a crowd of unarmed students and civilians, murdering 4 people. By sending in the National Guard, the American government stole the rights and liberties of the people which resulted in a strike by 4 million students the following day. (Lewis, Hensley). The Kent State Massacre was a point in history in which the government had completely abandoned democratic policies by suppressing the voices and opinions of the American people.

    Kent State University. News Service. 1970. May 4 Collection, Kent State University. May 4 Digital Archive - Item Detail. Web. 3 Aug. 2014.

    Lewis, Jerry M., and Thomas R. Hensley. "The May 4 Shootings At Kent State Univeristy: The Search For Historical Accuracy." Ohio Council for the Social Studies Review, 1998. Web. 03 Aug. 2014. video if it does not work

    10. U.S. Patriot Act: "Big Brother is Watching You"