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    STUDENTS! Confused By Tenancy Deposits? Here's A Handy Guide...

    Follow these handy tips to make sure you know what Tenancy Deposit Schemes are and how they work. If you need further assistance, done't hesitate to contact the Student Advice Centre.

    So you’ve found the perfect accommodation? Great.

    You may have been asked to fork over some £££ as a security deposit in case of damages or unpaid bills/rent.

    For all Assured Shorthold Tenancies, if you pay a deposit, your landlord/agent must protect it using one of three Tenancy Deposit Schemes.

    Get proof of purchase. ALWAYS.

    To safeguard your deposit take care of the house and furnishings during the time you are there.

    Towards the end of your tenancy, arrange for the landlord to inspect the property.

    When your tenancy comes to an end the landlord should return your deposit to you promptly.

    If there is a dispute over the return of your deposit, your tenancy deposit scheme contains a free Alternative Dispute Resolution service to help you resolve your dispute.

    Usually, you have three months from when your tenancy ends to raise a dispute through this service.

    The Student Advice Centre can provide further advice and assistance if needed.