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    Ten Tips To See Your True Reflection And Combat Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

    Imagine a student who always speaks negatively about their body. They constantly talk about physical aspects they wish to change, point out nearly invisible flaws, and go to extreme measures to monitor how they look. This student has no positive identifiers with their body. Does this sound like you? Could you benefit from being able to identify and turn around negative thinking habits into positive, healthy thoughts? If you want to start looking at yourself through a healthier lens, join the Counseling Center Paraprofessionals in Illini Union Room 406 on October 25 at 7 p.m. to create a body positive action plan.

    1. I’m preoccupied with my body, do I have Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)?

    2. BDD is more than an eating disorder.

    3. Don’t fall victim to distorted thinking!

    4. Appreciate what your body can do.

    5. Don’t try to fit the mold.

    6. Exercise for the right reasons.

    7. Listen to your body.

    8. Forgive yourself.

    9. Look at yourself as a whole, not individual parts.

    10. Remain positive.

    Like these great tips and want even more information? Be sure to attend the "Seeing Your True Reflection: Overcoming Body Dysmorphia" workshop on Tuesday, October 25th at 7pm in Illini Union Room 406!