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    The Eyes Have It! 14 Celebrities With Different Colored Eyes

    July 12th is International Different Colored Eyes Day; a condition known as Heterochromia iridum. Just another funky way we're all unique.

    Heterochromia iridum is a pigmentation of the irises (the coloured bit of your eye).

    For some people it is very subtle, some very distinct. Some appear as totally different colours, others may have dark coloured dots in their iris. It doesn't effect the eyesight of the person in most cases at all. It can be caused by many things. Genetics, illness or disease or injury.

    You can find more about it here

    David Bowie is NOT one of them

    But here are some celebrities that do have amazing different coloured peepers

    Some actors choose to use contacts so their eyes match so it isn't always noticeable. Other times, their images are photoshopped.

    Mila Kunis

    Benedict Cumberbatch

    Simon Pegg

    Kate Bosworth

    Dan Ackroyd

    Bill Pullman

    Henry Cavill

    Shane Warne

    Christopher Walken

    Elizabeth Berkley

    Alice Eve

    Kiefer Sutherland

    Jane Seymour

    Robert Downey Jnr

    Others include:

    Alyson Hannigan (Buffy, How I Met Your Mother)

    Olivia Wilde (Tron, Rush)