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    Female Authors We Think You Should Know About (If You Didn't Already)

    We're shining the light on some great female authors

    1. Rebecca Solnit - The Faraway Nearby (Granta)

    2. Rachel Cusk - Outline (Faber)

    3. Hannah Kent - Burial Rites (Picador)

    4. Elizabeth Garner - The Ingenious Edgar Jones (Headline)

    5. Leslie Jamieson - The Empathy Exams (Granta)

    6. Marjane Satrapi - Persepolis (Vintage)

    7. Zelda Fitzgerald - Save Me The Waltz (Vintage)

    8. Susan Elderkin - Sunset Over Chocolate Mountains (4th Estate)

    9. Ann Quin - Berg (Marion Boyars)