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    The 9 People From High School You’ll Reluctantly Encounter On Thanksgiving Eve

    Well, it's officially the Holiday season. Some call it the happiest time of the year, others dread all human contact. Despite the stress of entertaining your grandmother while discussing politics with your drunk uncle, there is one epic aspect of Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving Eve also known as the biggest bar night of the year. It's the night where you’re guaranteed to have fun because you’re surrounded by familiar faces that bring back nostalgic feelings from High School. This massive reunion comes with some baggage though, and I’m not talking about the colossal hangover. Hitting up a local bar on such a popular night is destined to cause some awkward encounters with familiar faces. You know, those people from high school that you intentionally lost contact with after graduation. Well, prepare yourself for painfully uncomfortable conversations because here is a list of the 9 people from high school that you will reluctantly encounter on Thanksgiving Eve:

    1. The kid who is still trying to become a rapper

    2. The underdog who is already making six figures

    3. The girl who still thinks she's too good for everyone

    4. The friend that you wish you would have stayed in touch with

    5. The geeky girl who got HOT

    6. The Ex that makes you question your judgement

    7. The jock who let himself go

    8. The "Townies"

    9. Your old group of best friends