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40 Things You Don't Have To Throw Away

Some of these lifehack-slash-DIYs are simpler than others, but all of them save good things from a trip to the landfill. And no, mason jars aren’t on this list.

1. Shoe Boxes

2. Old Candle Jars

3. Altoids Tins

Altoids Sours Tins ...if you have them around.

4. Cereal Boxes

5. Broken Clothespins

6. A Ripped T-Shirt

7. Soda Cans (and more cereal boxes)

8. Beer Bottles

9. Old Film

10. Baby Food Jars

11. Pringles Cans

12. Broken Crayons

13. Liquor Bottles

14. Round Wafer Cookie Tins

15. Old T-Shirts

16. Paint Cans

17. Leftover Paper Cups

18. Gerber Graduates Puffs Containers

19. Magazines

20. Burnt Out Tail Lights

21. Clorox Wipe Containers

22. Starbucks Coffee Stirrers

23. Honeybears

24. Cardboard boxes

25. Last Year's Calendar

26. Tin Cans

27. Wine Corks

28. Old T-Shirt

29. Cassette Tapes

30. Forks

31. Bottle Caps

32. Peanut Butter Lids

33. Extra Straws

34. 50 Shades of Grey

35. Old Circuit Boards

36 & 37. Wine Bottles and To-Go Containers

38. Wooden Boxes

39. Mexican Food Cans

40. Plastic Grocery Bags