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    24 Crafts To Totally Geek Out About

    Because not everyone's into excessive glitter, here are crafts to appeal to your Trekkie and Whovian sides.

    1. Triforce (and Comic Book) Candles

    2. Painted TARDIS Keds

    3. 8-Bit Mario Granny Square Blanket

    4. Killer Comic Book Heels

    5. Floppy Disk Planters

    6. Giant Atari Joystick Lamp

    7. Comic Book Coasters

    8. IRL Minecraft Iron Sword and Pickaxe

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    You can hang them above your fireplace, like a family heirloom. Directions in the video above, originally here.

    9. Starfleet Insignia Crochet

    10. Nebula Pillow

    11. Mini Ewok Softie

    12. Spiderman Cross Stitch

    13. Lego USB

    14. Stuffed Creeper Doll

    15. Jayne's Hat Knitting Pattern

    16. Pac-Man Corkboard

    17. One-Ring Scarf

    18. Star Wars Snowflakes

    19. Mandala Hat

    20. N7 Hoodie

    21. Golden Snitch Ornament

    22. Zelda Heart Card

    23. TARDIS Socks

    24. A.S.H.P.D. (Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device) — or, the Portal Gun

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    This one's complicated, and you'll have to have some skill with a Dremel to make it happen. If you do, though... So. Worth. It. Directions in the video above, originally here.