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    20 Adorable Pictures From 'Kawaii Not' That Will Cheer You Up

    Kawaii makes everything better. So does Nutella. I bet we can all agree on that.

    This is Meghan Murphy.

    1. Beefcake in disguise...

    2. Accessorizing cupcake

    3. Choco chip and... something else

    4. Chopstick prom

    5. Donut holes

    6. Typical egg problems

    7. Flan-tastic!!

    8. The real reason behind them crafty matchboxes..

    9. Meltdown Choco Ice Cream

    10. Icing on the cake

    11. These different types of notes

    12. Nugget satisfaction...

    13. When old sayings go wrong...

    14. This pancake having an identity crisis

    15. BFF sandwiches!

    16. Toast in a jam...

    17. You're gonna miss me when I'm gooooooone

    18. When coffee break gets literal..

    19. When labelling coffee gets too real

    20. Even faces need hugs sometimes..