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    The Pole Dance Problem

    An Article from a pole dancer, describing the connotations associated with pole dancing and why it should be celebrated.

    6. In Asia, Pole Dancing has been used for centuries as a way of entertainment in circuses and fitness, for example, in India, over 800 years ago, wrestlers were using the pole for training and came up with a sport using the pole based on yoga which tested agility, flexibility, strength and co-ordination.

    7. Pole Dancing gives lots of men and women a boost in confidence. You may have low self esteem, but when you realise that your body can do incredible things, you start to love your imperfections instead of hating them.

    8. Pole Dancing is physically strenuous and will leave your body aching after your first few classes, but it really builds muscle and, though you may not want to "bulk up", this will allow you to do the most amazing things, and show off whenever you see a stop sign! Also, Pole Dancing is in the process of being put into the Olympics, which just shows how intense it is.

    Oh, and just to end off:

    9. Pole Dancing is whatever you want it to be. It doesn't have to be sexy, it doesn't have to be sporty. Just do whatever you want to and have fun!