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    What We Can Learn About Politics From Scandal, House Of Cards, And Veep

    Frank Underwood, Olivia Pope and Selina Meyer are all big players in Washington D.C. We can learn a lot from their awesomeness.

    Your staff is your most valuable asset. They deal with wayward hookers, pregnancy scares, and any general gladiator business you may have. They just want to help.

    Simplicity is key when it comes to women's fashion. More neutral tones the better.

    Never underestimate your need for a Gary.

    Everything is happening super fast. ALL THE TIME.

    Don't take crap from anyone. Even if they are the leader of the free world.

    Old white guys, Old white guys everywhere. You just gotta know how to deal with them.

    Control the media. Sleeping with them helps.

    Always have a rousing speech on hand in case things start to go downhill fast.

    Whether you are sleeping with the president, plotting his destruction, or never ever see him, it's pretty clear whose in charge. The person with the wittiest remarks.