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20 Awesome Products From Amazon To Put On Your Wish List

An acrylic cosmetics organizer, a pink Fujifilm instant camera, a Gryffindor tapestry, and 17 other things you’ll want to add to your wish list ASAP.

1. A beautiful L.A. Girl palette that features a range of nude colors and is the perfect Naked Palette dupe.

2. A gorgeous glass teapot that can be used to brew flowering and loose-leaf teas.

3. A regal Gryffindor tapestry that will let you bring a little piece of Hogwarts into your own home.

4. A gleaming white and gold analog watch that will make a major style statement.

5. A magical mermaid blanket that will transform you into the beloved mythical creature.

6. An acrylic cosmetics organizer to get your makeup collection in order.

7. A gorgeous crystal wine decanter to add a luxurious touch to your next party.

8. A lovely three-speed turntable with built-in speakers and a wooden base.

9. A pair of timeless Vic Firth drumsticks to upgrade your percussion game immediately.

10. A pair of Kanen foldable headphones that are lightweight and feature an in-line mic.

11. An 80-piece art set that includes color pencils, oil pastels, watercolor cakes, paintbrushes, and pencils.

12. A sleek Amazon Echo Dot that you can use to play music, read news to you, set alarms, and even control your smart home devices

13. The super-adorable movie The Secret Life of Pets.

14. A pretty Fujifilm Instax instant camera to capture your most important life moments.

15. A study set of self-stick furniture pads to help protect delicate flooring.

16. A set of four pre-potted plants to add an extra splash of greenery to your home or work space.

17. A Lasko ceramic space heater to keep you toasty at home or the office.

18. A cozy faux-fur throw that will dress up any armchair or bedroom.

19. A color-changing LED lamp that features a speaker that can be connected to your digital devices.

20. A Nintendo NES Classic Edition that comes with several pre-installed iconic video games like Super Mario Bros., Pac-Man, and Mega Man.

To see everything people are wishing for on Amazon, click here.

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The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.