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    What It's Like Finishing First Year Of University/College

    Face it, first year was equal parts rough and fun. Now that it’s coming to an end, it’s time to reminisce.

    During o-week you were like

    But as the year went on and you found your people, you were like

    As the end crept closer, you started feeling some ways

    Everything becomes a “last”

    The things that annoyed you, you now miss

    … Except that one 8AM class. That class can go f*ck itself

    And that one math elective you had to take. Gooooodbye!

    Still, it’s sad when your roommate moves out first

    Sad when you need to apply for summer jobs

    Even sadder when your upper-year friends are done school… FOREVER

    But first year was all worth it

    You made some amazing memories

    Met some amazing people

    And (hopefully) distilled your brain with wonderful knowledge

    See ya next year!