"Nothing Will Stand Between Joe And His Holiday" And 26 Other Hilarious Tweets Describing What We All Thought About Part 1 Of "You" Season 4

    He's still cute but he's bad!

    🚨Spoilers for this season ahead 🚨

    The long wait (for part 1) is over! Netflix's You came back for its fourth season, and despite the fact that only the first five episodes are available right now — the usual chaotic antics of Joe Goldberg Vs. The Rich were not lacking at all.

    We ended season three in a literal blazing glory, with Joe planning to follow his "one true love" Marienne to France. Now in season four's first part, this dangerous man has set himself on a totally new course... in the UK!

    Enough time has passed for us to process our emotions — so here are 27 of the best tweets from fellow You fans that I'll be cackling at until part two comes out and flips the entire script:


    first 10 minutes of you season 4 and joe says nothing will stand between me and my european holiday definitely me and the $16 in my account

    Twitter: @cocaineslay


    you did NOT just show a full penis with a piercing in You… like you did not just do that to me

    Twitter: @unknowntrin


    Not even 5 minutes in and there is someone else that doesn’t have curtains #YouSeason4

    Twitter: @driya__


    me every time they say “love” in you season 4

    Twitter: @noshameluke


    Seeing the body on the table #YouNetflix #YouSeason4

    Twitter: @Holliaietan


    me rn watching YOU season 4 trying to figure out who’s texting joe

    Twitter: @destielsassbutt


    Kate just minding her business in her apartment Joe across from her : #YouSeason4 #YouNetflix

    Twitter: @Christos_16


    Twitter: @reptileluvr666


    Me hearing Cardi B playing in the new season of You #YouSeason4

    Twitter: @amlys


    the most unrealistic part of YOU season 4 is the fact that the uni students are actually answering questions in the seminar in episode one

    Twitter: @genesongs


    bringing this back in honour of YOU season 4

    Twitter: @abelsdawnn


    Joe making it out in ep 5 #YouSeason4 #YouNetflix

    Twitter: @rageluster


    No but how Joe always ends up being friends with rich people like in every season #YouSeason4 wtf ?!?!!!

    Twitter: @ctrldevoured


    Me shipping every girl Joe stalks, falls in love with and kills every season #YouSeason4 #YouNetflix

    Twitter: @meredithgreypo


    the narration on you season 4 seems even more unserious than usual why am i laughing at every scene for some reason when there’s really nothing funny

    Twitter: @pvrekhs


    You season 4 is giving pretty little liars vibes 😂 WHO’S A JOE? 🤨#YouSeason4

    Twitter: @Dashauna_


    @bri_dolce My favourite so far is that he implies he walks from work and around London… when it’s clearly Roy Holloway and the distance is 🤣

    Twitter: @jaz_runologist


    me rooting for joe to do the most mischievous things mankind has ever seen and get away with it again #YouNetflix #YouSeason4

    Twitter: @deschanael


    There is a Cardi B song in You season 4 and I know Penn Badgely asked them to add it

    Twitter: @mcmuffin001


    Twitter: @usernamedant


    You Season 1 - 3 vs. You Season 4

    Twitter: @netflix


    AH AH AH. THAT’S FUNNY #YouNetflix #YouSeason4


    joe’s beard and hair this season #YouSeason4

    Twitter: @nicodimatt


    Twitter: @therealllsanch


    The whole group deserves to die #YouNetflix #YouSeason4

    Twitter: @_im_mr_nobody__


    Twitter: @starlitezzz


    The writers of YOU Season 4 in the writing room

    Twitter: @Pinkieruth

    What are you hoping to see in part two? Let us know in the comments!

    Thumbnail credits: Netflix