These 17 Stories Of When People Found "Their Person" Will Have You Tearing Up From The Cuteness

    "It felt like we were completely on the same wavelength. I still get that feeling 10 years later."

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about the moment that they knew they found "the one". The people have spoken, and the responses are just too cute!

    1. "He had the same weird pizza order as me."

    "I have a super weird pizza topping preference that I share with my entire family. When my husband and I were first dating, he asked what I wanted on my pizza, and I was too embarrassed to tell him my ~real~ order,  so I said whatever he wanted was fine. He then told me that he likes pepperoni, pineapple, and green olives on his pizza, and I couldn’t believe it! That was the exact pizza I've been ordering since I was a kid. Right there, I knew he was 'the one!'"


    2. "When I finally got a diagnosis of Auditory Processing Disorder, my girlfriend of a few years was an amazing supporter."

    "Having Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) basically means that I often can’t process information told to me audibly, and I also get overstimulated in loud areas or when there’s loud bass. My girlfriend is neurotypical and does not go through the same things I do, but she has always been an amazing supporter. 

    Through Twitter she found one article about my disorder and another on how those around people with APD can help them. She sent them to me asking if any of it applies, and I told her yes. The things listed in the articles would help me so much, and the fact that she went out of her way to find ways to help me was when I knew she was 'the one.' She was willing to do so much to make me feel happy and safe.

    We’re still together, celebrating five years this year and moving in together in the summer!"


    3. "I went grocery shopping with him, and it was actually so fun despite normally being such a boring chore. I knew from that moment that I had found my soul mate. We’re now married and still the best of friends. Eleven years and counting!"


    4. "We met when I was 18... It really was love at first sight."

    "During my first week of college, I had walked into my dorm room and found that there were a couple of guys from the floor above visiting my roommates because they wanted to meet more people in the building. I took one look at one of the guys, and I just knew — I didn’t even know his name yet, but I knew something special was going to happen between us. 

    We’ve now been married for almost 11 years and have two goofy kids!"


    5. "I knew he was the one as soon as I saw him on Tinder."

    "I 'super-liked' him and told my mom about him before he even messaged me back on Tinder — he had pictures of him dressed up in costumes, doing silly poses, and with flowers in his hair, and I loved how it showed how confident and fun he was. Plus, he had a tattoo of a quote from my favourite book series. I asked him to marry me as my opening message. It was a good ice breaker, but it took him a little while longer to be sure. 

    We've now been together for five years and finally got married this past summer."


    6. "After dating for about 10 months, my partner picked out and put together an excavator toy for my 3-year-old to play with in the backyard. Then on his day off, he showed up to my house with a sandbox that he had spent the day building, painting, and piling hundreds of pounds of sand into. This moment sticks out in my mind as the time when I realized that he was my person."


    7. "He stayed over night, after I was in the hospital, to watch me."

    "I had only been dating my partner for a few weeks when I had ended up in the hospital after having a seizure. I hadn't previously told him that I had epilepsy, but shared that information with my partner through text that evening after I sent my roommate, who'd been with me in the hospital, back home. My partner literally ran to the hospital to be with me, despite it being late at night. He stayed over that night after I was released, and told me the next morning that he woke up every time I even twitched to make sure I was OK. It wasn't long after that we decided to make things official. 

    We got married last October!"


    8. "He made me feel safe and like I could trust him."

    "I've had bouts of highs and lows due to depression and bipolar disorder since I was about 15 years old. I decided to share this information with my partner once things became more serious, out of a worry for how it may affect us — but he responded with, 'Everyone has something they’re dealing with, and that’s OK.' I had never felt so safe and acknowledged before that. I knew I could trust him with anything. 

    We’re getting married this winter."


    9. "We were on the same wavelength."

    "For our second date, we decided to go see a movie. During that, I started thinking about holding his hand, but worried that might be weird — immediately after thinking that, I noticed his hand edging toward mine. After the movie, while he was walking me to the bus stop, I was hoping he’d kiss me and he did! Then, when the bus came I was wondering if it was too early to call him my boyfriend, but in that moment he asked me if he could call me his girlfriend.

    It felt like we were completely on the same wavelength. I still get that feeling 10 years later."


    10. "BBC Big Weekend" came to my city and I managed to get tickets in a raffle for myself and my new boyfriend, who was genuinely so excited for the experience. Anyone who was that open to enjoying every second of life and pop music was someone I wanted to be with. When he sang along to every song, I knew he was 'the one.'"


    11. "He gave me the kind of first date I'd always wanted."

    "I’m a hopeless romantic that's always wanted one of those grand first dates you'd see in movies but never had one, until I got to meet my boyfriend for the first time after the pandemic. The date started with my boyfriend picking me up in a hug and spinning me around, and then throughout the day of many activities he had planned for us he would open every door — and lastly, as we were saying goodnight at the end of the date, fireworks went off in the distance as if on cue. That night driving home I knew he was 'the one.'" 


    12. "After spending many cramped nights together, they still wanted to hang out with me."

    "About two months into our relationship, we had decided to fly to Calgary and get an old used car to then drive to a music festival. The car broke down a few times, we spent several nights camping at this dusty and hot festival, and then driving home took about four days. When we got home, we looked at each other, and he said, 'So, what are you doing tonight? Want to hang out?'

    We're getting married this August (shortly after we return to the same festival)."


    13. "I used to tell my closest friends that all I ever wanted was to be with someone who understood me enough to get me pencils with my name on them or something like that. On my second date with my now-husband, he said, 'Oh, I forgot; I saw these and thought of you,' before handing me a package of pencils with my name on them. I knew right then and there that he was 'the one.'"


    14. "He was my support before we were even together."

    "I first met my now-husband in our third year of high school. After seven years of no contact, we reconnected at a bonfire party that a mutual friend was hosting — and rekindled our friendship. Soon after, my grandmother passed away, and it affected me very deeply. He came over to my house to see how I was doing, started a fire in my fireplace, and came back later with his daughter and flowers. Not only that, but he also went to my grandmother's burial with me. I knew he was the one when he was willing to be my rock before we were even together. We have now been together for eight years."


    15. "When we first started dating, my partner took notes on their phone of everything that I liked, my birthday, and other things they thought were important about me so that they would always remember. When I saw the note two months into our relationship, I knew they were 'the one' — we'll have been together for five years next month."


    16. "We had the same strange habit."

    "I have this really weird habit of plugging my nose with tissue whenever I have a cold, and I’ve never met anyone else that does it — even my family always thought it was gross. Back in the early days of dating my now-husband, he got a cold and instantly plugged his nose with tissue. One look at him with those nose plugs, and I knew I’d met the love of my life."


    17. "He put in so much consideration for my son."

    "As a single mother, I was very clear about boundaries and wanting to wait until my son and new guy met each other. A few weeks in, he gave me a wrapped Christmas present for my son — it was a book so that when they finally did meet, they'd have something to talk about. My heart soared. The forethought and consideration he put into their relationship made me feel safe enough to fall for him. 

    We've been together for almost 5 years, married for 2.5, and we're starting the process of him adopting my son."


    Some submissions have be edited for length and/or clarity!

    Tell us about your love stories in the comments, and be sure to follow the BuzzFeed Community on Facebook and Twitter if you want to be featured in similar posts!