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    What To Do When You're Insanely Bored

    Have you ever been so bored that you feel tired ? well here's a couple of things you should try (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

    The science of boredom╘[◉﹃◉]╕


    2. Let your computer suck your life out

    View this video on YouTube

    This is just an example of what you can expect to lose your hours of life in... sure it will b sucking the living life out of you but you won't feel a thing I promise

    3. Just dance !

    4. Get Cookin !

    5. Let's do a Rose for 10

    View this video on YouTube / Via youtube

    Make origami !...This also requires money if you don't already have colored paper...but if you're like me ( A crazy broke student) then all you need is standard printer paper cut it in a 4x4 piece, color it with crayola on one side AND BAM you have your own "origami" paper (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ .....

    P.S if you get the headline good for you

    6. Enjoy your day ! (✿◠‿◠)

    Walk along your neighborhood and do something nice for others like open doors for the elderly. Be chivalrous and help out somebody * your crush preferably or your parents for money* And just be happy, you don't have to be bored cuz at the end of the day you are just trapped within yourself in your cage of boredom. What you have to do is get out of that cage and explorer new things !!