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    Strange Things People Will Do To Get Into Their House After Losing Their Keys

    Have you ever misplaced your keys or locked yourself out of your house? Well, this mishap can definitely be very frustrating for anyone and to rectify the issue, you are going to have to find some way to gain access into your home. Below you will discover some strange things that homeowners have done to get into their home, when their keys are missing.

    1. Lock Picking

    2. Credit Card Trick

    If you are lucky, your home has an old door that is not very secure. While this may be a great thing for you at the moment, it may also put you at risk of being burglarized. If the door is not very secure, you should be able to take your credit card or driver's license and unlock your door. Place the credit card between the door and frame, then slide the card down to push the lever back. Hopefully this trick works for you, because it has been utilized thousands of times, by desperate people that are locked out of their home.

    3. Metal Clothes Hanger

    4. Breaking Into a Window

    If the above techniques do not work, you can also look for an unlocked window and if you are lucky, you will find one. Well, with your luck, the unlocked window may be on the second floor. Geesh! Things cannot get worse than this can it? Well, it will, especially when you stack those garbage cans and they topple over, as soon as that unlocked window gets within your reach.

    5. Con the Kid

    If you have your small child with you, it may be a good idea to con him/her into climbing into that window. Just promise to purchase that expensive iPad or video game that he has been saving for so long. He will soar up to that window quicker than you would have imagined. Just hope that the Department of Children's Services does not catch you in action, because the results will not be pretty.

    6. Chimney Access

    Now the only option that you have left is the chimney. Hey, this works for Santa every year, so why can't it work for you? Just get up on that roof and shimmy down that chimney, just like jolly ole' Saint Nick.
