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    Get The Highest Return Of Investment Out Of Your Apple iPhone 6 Or iPhone 6 Plus

    Oh so you've shelled out the cash for the latest and greatest iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus. But you know you're going to want to upgrade in about 6 to 12 months when the next iPhone is released. Let's face it. You're an "early-adopter" and if you want to know how to work the system, are are a few tips.

    Get the Highest Return Of Investment Out Of Your Apple iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus

    Someday soon you're going to want to sell your Apple iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus to trade up to the latest and greatest device. There's nothing wrong with that. But obviously you're going to want to make the most of your high performance lifestyle.

    1: When you purchase your iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus, immediately place all original packaging somewhere safe where you will remember to retrieve it. The facts are clear. You'll get more money for your device if you have all original packaging and instructions in mint condition. It's kind of like a good comic book collection. Hopefully mom (Futurama) doesn't throw it out.

    2: Don't try to be cool with your spectacular new iPhone and carry it around unprotected. Put a case and screen protector on it as soon as you buy it. And then make sure it always has one. It doesn't matter how tough they say the glass is, the less marks, scratches, dents, and general wear your device has, the more it will be worth when you're ready to sell it.

    If you live or work around large amounts of water, you may want to go ahead and purchase a waterproof, or water resistant case. Oh, and the day you decide you don't like your case and you just want to get a new one, make sure you actually have it before you go walking around without it. Yes, it's happened many times. The fateful era between cases can be devastating to the value of your phone.

    3: When you're ready to upgrade, do it. The longer you wait, the less your old device will be worth. Likewise, look for trends and announcements about new devices. Chances are your device will plummet in value after the next release. It's supply and demand. Apple pre-sold 4 Million iPhone 6 and 6 plus devices in less than 24 hours. Chances are, they were to people that already had older iPhones that they now want to sell. The day they get their new phone, it floods the used device market and causes the prices to plummet.

    4: Let's not get sentimental. If you have phones just laying around in your house, sell or donate them now. The longer they lay around, the less valuable that they'll become. Sure it's great to have a backup, but if you're upgrading every year or two, I bet you have a couple laying around gathering dust. The point is. Just because you don't want it, doesn't mean that someone else doesn't see value in it. In some cases devices are even torn apart and melted down for raw metals. Ultimately selling, donating or even recycling is better than leaving it stuffed away in your home and destined for a landfill.

    5: There are a lot of ways to sell and donate your old device. Obviously you have websites like Gazelle and eBay that want you to mail them in or post them on an auction. Likewise, you could always put them in the online classifieds and then go through the hassle and risks of meeting up with some stranger in an abandoned parking lot just after dusk. If none of that sounds like a good use of your time, consider just walking into your local Phone Doctors. You'll receive market rate, based on condition, typically within minutes, instead of days or weeks later.