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15 Stylish Houseplants That Actually Thrive In Low Light

Hard to kill, easy on the eyes.

Just because your home isn't ~drenched in sunlight~ doesn't mean you can't enjoy the company of plants — some actually prefer living in low light.

Consider sharing your space with these houseplants that aren't afraid of the dark:

(Be cautious if you have pets, though — some of these can be toxic.)

1. Snake plant

2. Spider plant

3. ZZ plant

4. Monstera deliciosa

5. Peace lily

6. Moss terrarium

7. Dracaena reflexa

8. Nerve plant

9. Cast iron plant

10. Lucky bamboo

11. Bird's nest fern

12. Chinese evergreen

13. Pothos

14. Prayer plant

15. Philodendron

Check out more Gardening Week posts for tips, tricks, and inspo.