English Disco Lovers Overtake English Defence League In Google Rankings

    Official: English people now much more interested in disco than "defence".

    In a victory for the forces of dance, searching for "EDL" on Google now returns anti-racism group English Disco Lovers ahead of the English Defence League

    Granted, it was the result of a sustained Googlebombing campaign, but still.

    English Disco Lovers take the number 1 spot when 'EDL' is searched on Google! #EDL #EDLovers #DontHateGyrate

    English Disco Lovers


    English Disco Lovers take the number 1 spot when 'EDL' is searched on Google! #EDL #EDLovers #DontHateGyrate

    / Via

    The point is that Google is very wise and knows everything, and as such it is now official that this...

    ...is better than this:


    ...is better than this:

    And this...

    ...is definitely better than this.