19 Things That Could Only Happen In An Italian Family

    Starbucks = no. Percolators = YES.

    1. No café can make coffee good enough for your family.

    2. So, you have about 10 of these at home.

    3. And when your friends see the collection of percolators, they're like:

    4. If you don't like coffee, you're automatically the black sheep of the family.

    5. And don't even joke about getting one from any old chain.

    6. You always get one of these for Christmas and it will end up sitting in the cupboard for years...

    7. ...until you gift it to someone else.

    8. Or until someone gets desperate enough to crack it open.

    9. Monday is pasta night.

    10. So is Tuesday, Wednesday, and every other day of the week.

    11. Instead of board game nights, your family has shouting matches.

    12. You have enough olives to solve any problem.

    13. Your nonna and nonno's place have one of these lolly bowls...

    14. ...which is always filled with these cheeky bois:

    15. And every couch is guaranteed to be covered in plastic.

    16. Your house is littered with pictures of this dude:

    17. If you think ripping your clothes is a great excuse to get new clothes, you are sorely mistaken...

    ...because every Italian house has got a sewing machine.

    18. You have no idea what's going on when everyone starts talking in Italian.

    19. And your family is serious when it comes to grating cheese.

    Being Italian is certainly exciting.