14 Science Books That Changed People's Lives

    We asked BuzzFeed readers for the science books that changed their lives. This is what they told us.

    We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what science books changed their lives. Here are some of the responses.

    1. Cosmos, Carl Sagan.

    2. A Short History of Nearly Everything, Bill Bryson.

    3. Stiff, Mary Roach.

    4. Full House, Stephen Jay Gould.

    5. A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking.

    6. The Hot Zone, Richard Preston.

    7. Beyond the Body Farm, Bill Bass and Jon Jefferson.

    8. Survival of the Sickest, Sharon Moalem.

    9. The Mind of God, Paul Davies.

    10. The Demon-Haunted World, Carl Sagan.

    11. Between Pacific Tides, Edward Rickets and Jack Calvin.

    12. The Greatest Show on Earth, Richard Dawkins.

    13. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn.

    14. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams.

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