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    "The Bachelor" GIF Recap Week 7: Welcome To Miami

    This Week on The Bachelor: Sharleen has second thoughts, Nikki and Clare don't like each other, and Juan Pablo cries (twice!)

    The gang heads to Juan Pablo's hometown - Miami - which means he gets to see his daughter Camilla

    And take his shirt off

    Juan Pablo's cousin is super excited to show his braces off on TV

    The girls are staying in an amazing penthouse

    Sharleen gets the first "One on One" date

    Their date starts out well

    Then they go to this sweet island

    Seems like things are going great, right?

    But Sharleen is not so sure...

    Nikki is pretty excited to get the second "One on One" date

    Juan Pablo takes Nikki to meet his parents and his baby mama, Carla

    And even his daughter Camilla

    Their date ends at Marlins Park

    Meanwhile, in the least shocking surprise ever...

    Juan Pablo is probably surprised, but he understands

    But he is also actually pretty upset

    Chelsie, Renee, Clare, and Andi are left to go on the Group Date

    Which comes with a rose!

    The date starts out on a Seaplane, because money

    Chelsie thinks showing Juan Pablo notes from her parents will be the key to his heart

    Andi gets emotional like Andi does

    She also gets the rose guaranteeing her a Hometown Date

    Andi has never heard Latin Music before... Really?

    Clare and Nikki don't get along- Clare calls Nikki a "piece of work" and Nikki responds with

    This leads to a pretty icy Cocktail Party

    Until the Angel of Death shows up

    The final three roses go to...

    Chelsie's exit goes about as about as well as expected

    Hopefully Juan Pablo can find the strength to make it through the Hometown Dates next week