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    8 Things All Star Wars Fans Felt Watching "The Force Awakens" Teaser

    Who knew 88 seconds of pure Star Wars could produce so many feels.

    November 24th: A simple Tweet from JJ Abrams blows Thanksgiving weekend away.

    ...but wait a theaters??

    Thankfully, Disney & Lucasfilm soon announced that the trailer would be simultaneously released on iTunes.

    Friday Morning: You bolt upright in bed and rush to the nearest internet-connected device.

    But it's not on iTunes yet...

    ...and was there.

    1) That moment when a sweaty John Boyega appears wearing stormtrooper gear and you realize you're watching the first new Star Wars footage in years.

    2) When you saw the soccer-ball style droid happily rolling along in all its non-CG glory.

    3) ...Wait, wait...wait...are those...Stormtroopers?!

    4) OMGOMGOMGOMG X-Wings buzzing the water!!

    5) TRIPLE no,'s a lightsaber with exhaust wait it's a lightsaber with two..light-daggers?...


    7) *Fighting back the urge to tear up* It's just all so beautiful...